Pilgrim's Respite Settlement in Spice World | World Anvil
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Pilgrim's Respite

"What can you tell me about the Festival of Peace?"

- Paprika


Pilgrim's Respite is presided over by Solomon, a priest knowledgeable in the local history and stories.


Significant buildings include the Silver Branches inn run by a man named Dagar, the divey Muddy Ale tavern, a temple run by Solomon (who acts as chief priest), a butcher shop run by the friendly Esme, a mill run by the rich and maybe racist Walter, and the Sabur family blacksmith. There is also a doctor, the rather crotchety Strauss.

Guilds and Factions

An orc tribe has been invited to live in Pilgrim's Respite at Solomon's invitation, though there seems to be some discord between them and the native townsfolk.


Surrounded by little more than dense forest, Pilgrim's Respite is rather isolated. The nearest village, Copperton, is a few days away to the north. A nearby grove houses 8 petrified statues gathered around a campfire, 4 fae beings and 4 divine beings, and serves as the site of the Festival of Peace.

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