Crimson Peak Settlement in Spice World | World Anvil
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Crimson Peak


Crimson Peak has an aristocratic government formed by representatives of several wealthy families. The head member of each family together form a bureaucratic cabinet and vote together on certain matters, creating an environment rife with corruption, alliances, and discord. Other positions are either filled by members of these families or wealthy individuals with particular affiliations to the ruling class, often purchasing positions. Adding to the mess is the Crimson Pillar, a criminal organization which does as it pleases in the city by paying off certain government officials and members of law enforcement. This a tumultuous system has pushed the citizens of Crimson Peak to take the matter of maintaining order into their own hands, with gangs cropping up to protect their neighborhoods from criminals the law enforcement has been paid to ignore... or extort their neighbors for "protection" as they vie for power among each other.


High on a mountain, Crimson Peak has a remarkable natural defense in addition to their walls and guards. The entrance to the mines serves as a hiding place for citizens and aristocrats in times of trouble.

Industry & Trade

Mining and tourism carry near equal weight in supporting Crimson Peak's economy. Even with much of the profit from the mines going straight into the aristocrat's pockets, much of that money is spent on bribes or public works in order to earn public approval, and the gold manages to move around. Major draws for tourists are the Colosseum, hot springs, and scenic mountains.


The major landmark of Crimson Peak is the Colosseum, but its grand library, the Atheneum, brings in a large number of visitors. One of their major industries is tourism, which is supported by a number of famous businesses from breweries like Paradise Brewers to entertainment centers such as the Montcroix Opera House. Another is mining, supported by the wealth of ore in the mountain, though folks have found themselves needed to dig deeper and deeper to find it...

Guilds and Factions

Crimson Pillar

Various gangs


Crimson Peak was not quite the cesspool of crime and corruption it is today. A monarchical city state at first, the shift occurred after one of its rulers died young without having married or had children. Several stepped in claiming their right to inherit the throne in a mess of rumor, forged documents, and years of planning, suggesting assassination. From this instance one can trace the beginning of the aristocratic system Crimson Peak has today, its crime and corruption worse now since the Seven Days of War.


The city is largely made of stone, either hewn into the mountain or formed with rocks from it.


The scenic Crimson Peak is located in a shallow, fertile valley nestled in a mountain range. It is named for the cinnabar that forms in the hot springs in the area and for its elevation.

Natural Resources

The wealth of the aristocrats comes primarily from the ore-rich mines that stretch deep into the mountains surrounding Crimson Peak. A river provides fresh water and fertile soil, with softwood conifers providing wood.
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