Spheria gardia The Rise of the Coranimii Timeline
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The Rise of the Coranimii

The story of Coranimi from a small tribe climbing out of the Age of Darkness to an empire controlling Evergard.

  • 1 AD

    113 AD

    15 /5

    The Lighting of a Candle

    The early arrival of the Coranimii from the interior of the continent and their initiation onto the stage.

  • 113 AD

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    899 AD

    31 /11

    A Fire in a Hearth

    The start of the Coranimi Empire. The point the Coranimii have conquered an empire.

    More reading
    Coranimi Empire
  • 899 AD

    31 /11

    Inferno in the Forges

    The remodelling of the Conranimi Empire. The start of the new empire and a new world order.