Welsh Language in Spaces of the Heart Universe | World Anvil
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Welsh (Cymraeg) or y Gymraeg (Welsh pronunciation: [ə ɡəmˈraiɡ]) is a Brittonic language of the Celtic branch of the Indo-European language family. It is spoken natively in Wales, by some in England, and in Y Wladfa (the Welsh colony in Chubut Province, Argentina). Historically, it has also been known in English as "Cambrian", "Cambric" and "Cymric".   According to the United Kingdom Census 2011, 19 per cent of residents in Wales aged three and over were able to speak Welsh. According to the 2001 Census, 21 per cent of the population aged 3+ were able to speak Welsh. This suggests that there was a decrease in the number of Welsh speakers in Wales from 2001 to 2011 – from about 582,000 to 562,000 respectively.   The Annual Population Survey conducted by the Office for National Statistics for the year ending in March 2019 suggest that 896,900 Welsh residents (30 per cent) aged three or over in Wales were able to speak Welsh. The results for the most recent National Survey for Wales (2017-2018) suggest that 19 per cent of the population aged 16 and over were able to speak Welsh, with an additional 12 per cent noting that they had ‘some Welsh speaking ability’.   The Welsh Language (Wales) Measure 2011 gave the Welsh language official status in Wales, making it the only language that is de jure official in any part of the United Kingdom, with English being de facto official. The Welsh language, along with English, is also a de jure official language of the National Assembly for Wales.
Common Phrases
Bore Da!
Good Morning!

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