Alvaro Vela II Character in Spaces of the Heart Universe | World Anvil
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Alvaro Vela II

Mrs Alvaro Vela (a.k.a. Sickle)

Alvaro Vela used to be a student of Dracanimus academy, bored with her ordinary life with her parents, she always wanted to seek adventures she always hear from the stories her nan reads to her, with a reputation that left her village pulling at their hairs, she left was Alexis promised her a world of adventure and magic.   She used to be a good student, even if her results were rather average, she always boasted of her abilities of lightning manipulation and often played pranks with it, she also boasted that she managed to be taught by Alexis herself even though she normally did that for those who needed help the most.   During her last year, she stole the


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Previous Affiliation: Dracanimus
1986 IXCCXC 2032 IXCCXC 46 years old
Dark Brown, Sharp and filled with mischieve
Wavy, long and black usually with a purple pin putting her fringe into place
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tanned Olive, smooth, slightly oily with lotion
5'8" or 1.72m
148 lbs or 67 kg

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