Silkenn Ethnicity in Sorenthis | World Anvil
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Even during the days of The Burning Sands Era, Silkenn were rare. Children of an obscure god called "The Web" they appeared to be humanoid spiders. Most did everything in their power to hide their monster-like features, but some were proud of their noble race.   Possessing multiple eyes, mandibles that moved and emoted more than their mouth, 4 pairs of limbs, Hooked fingers, fur or barbs, and the ability to produce webbing from their bodies, Silkenn were known to be insanely resourceful, being some of the best survivalists in the history of Sorenthis. With only their bodies and their wits they would consistently outmaneuver predators, Sardonic purge troopers, and even Inquisitors.   Silkenn silk usually comes in one of two forms, Strong or Soft. When a Silkenn is born they naturally have one of the two based on their blood type, as the webbing is generated from body proteins. Over time however, Silkenns discovered that by keeping certain diets they could produce the other kind of silk for short periods of time.   This distinction naturally sorted the Silkenn into a sort of caste system, For clothing, bandages, and art is easily done with Soft thread. And Traps, rope, and structure came better to Strong thread.   If people didn't know, or could get over the fact that a Silkenn product came from it's body, they would be extremely comfortable in the garments they masterfully made, durable, breathable, water resistant, and soft. Silkenn Cloaks, bags, and even shirts were quite valuable to Adventurer and High society official alike.

Naming Traditions

Family names

Taken name, Family name, Mate name


Birth & Baptismal Rites

Unlike most humanoids, Silkenn, like real spiders, are born in egg colonies. After being born, the babies are often taken care of by special nurse Silkenn in a nursery. After a few months, they will be returned to their home (or assigned to one if no mother or father exists) for their growth. When a Silkenn child is taken in by a family, their top left arm is wrapped in the family style and colors to denote their parent. Silkenn children typically become self sufficient by age 4 or 5. While they will not become full grown until age 16-19 they grow quickly to understand their part in society and behave as such. Though children will always be children.

Coming of Age Rites

When a Silken hits adulthood at the age of 18, they are encouraged to create a sigil for themselves on their left middle arm wrap. Their bottom left arm is reserved to match the seal of their future mate, as though they trade seals.

Funerary and Memorial customs

Silkenn, like spiders and elves, do not die naturally of old age, feebleness, or sadness. So when a weapon or plague takes a Silkenn it is a solemn day indeed. Buried in their best clothes, with their arms tied together in front of them, allowing the wraps to be prominently shown, surrounded by offerings of food or tools and things they liked in life, they are heavily cocooned in webbing and laid to rest. Depending on the wealth of the deceased and circumstances, most Silkenn prefer a wooden or stone sarcophagus wrapped in webbing over their bodies directly.


Courtship Ideals

Male Silkenn pay far more attention to their looks than females, mostly as it falls to them to impress the females in courtship processes. Through creation of sacred web art, doing interpretative dances, dyeing their fur, and being courteous to a female Silkenn, the male shows interest in her. After this interest is realized she must make a decision, is it a no, or may he keep attempting to woo her, OR may they be Wed? Generally, Silkenn women will choose the middle option, opting to see how long the male will follow her proverbial string before she is prepared to make a final judgement.

Relationship Ideals

Most Silkenn mate for life and stick with a partner until death. This is more of a private matter that is neither a legal process or is followed by the state, but they do have signs of marriage. A small gemstone, often times enchanted to glow, is lightly cocooned and hung around the neck, a matching stone is around the mate's neck. Based on family size, a recognized mother or father will also change or add trophies to their arm wraps. (The arm wraps being considered sacred as the surplus of arms given to them by their forefathers give them unique opportunity to individualize.)

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