Tantamount Middle School Organization in Some boys are Succubus (Game Pending) | World Anvil
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Tantamount Middle School

Tantamount is a private school attached in part to the Prathman Church, it teaches most of the main classes available at the public and more professional skills but has a bend towards ettiquette, manners, cleanliness and decorum. In the eyes of the monks of Prathman, Clenliness isn't next to holiness it IS holiness and so students are expected to resemble clenliness in thought word and deed.   In Tantamount
  • Primary School covers Kindergarten to grade 4, ages 5/6 to 9/10
  • Middle School grade 5 to grade 8, ages 10/11 to 13/14
  • High School - often called Trade School covers grade 9 to 12, and is focused on readying the student for the workplace.


Tantamount is a private school attached in part to the Prathman Church, it teaches most of the main classes available at the public and more professional skills but has a bend towards ettiquette, manners, cleanliness and decorum. In the eyes of the monks of Prathman, Clenliness isn't next to holiness it IS holiness and so students are expected to resemble clenliness in thought word and deed.

Public Agenda

Students of Tantamount are supposedly being prepared for the Prathman Monistary life, but the service of their gods do lend themselves to other fields. The school intends to shape the minds of everyone from Political Leeders, nurses and medical professionals, to everyday office workers in the values of clenliness and has courses to prepare them for such fields.


Aproximately a square acre of School Buildings, fields, ovals, training grounds, school temple, bath house, laundry mat, recycling facility and saunas.

Sin is Filth, Filth is Sin; A Clean mind is a productive mind.


  • Act 1 - Calander
    The First Act of the Main Story and the main Calendar for the Game, this map contains links to each of the
    Event Lists[/br] *
Educational, School/Academy
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Crowned Republic
Notable Members

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