Nia Lewd Character in Some boys are Succubus (Game Pending) | World Anvil
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Nia Lewd

Virginia Lewd (a.k.a. Nia)

A Member of the Ogre Subspecies, her mother is a Succubus and her Father? an Ogre. ➤ List of all Ogres

Physical Description

Body Features

Purplish hair and eye colour reflecting his magic, tall compared to an elve of his age, single small horn in the middle of his forehead, large lobes for relatively small ears.

Special abilities

Channeling focus of Performance
Currently: Shadow Manipulation
Focus: Hair Clip in the shape of a Bugbear.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Identifies as "token boy". Likes to dress androgynously but as he has yet to develop physically she often lumps herself in as a male. Pronouns are mixed with no preference.


So far has not demonstrated any but shows interest in both genders.


Virginia Lewd is a First year Middle Schooler. In Tantamount
  • Primary School covers Kindergarten to grade 4, ages 5/6 to 9/10
  • Middle School grade 5 to grade 8, ages 10/11 to 13/14
  • High School - often called Trade School covers grade 9 to 12, and is focused on readying the student for the workplace.


Family Ties

Map of Main Relationships
A Map of the Relationships within the Game (Primary Named Characters)


Year of Birth
128686 SQ 12 Years old
Current Residence
123 Sourndrie Drive, Abberdien, 55670 Ygvarland
purple matching her hair
long purplish hair with a hint of darker blues
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
dark tanned skin
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Ogre, Japanese, English.

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