Leana Kane Character in Some boys are Succubus (Game Pending) | World Anvil
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Leana Kane

Leana Kane (a.k.a. Leo)

Leana is a spunky athletic girl in Tantamount Middle School, in public she is thought to be a Feline style Beastkin, also known as the Köttur Tribe. Her Father is publicly seen as a Kanína Tribe member but neither is the case. In reality she and her brother Reace are born of lesser demon parents, a Bunyip and a Nekamata - both of which are shape-shifting species of demons.  

Physical Description

Body Features

bluish-black fur with white thin patches around the mid-riff, large main-like hair

Facial Features

Narrower eyes, slight overbite and wide cat-ears.

Identifying Characteristics

The mane-like white hair, unusual for females.

Special abilities

Leana has scrying, a form of short term future sight that also functions on a physical level, it is part of the reason she is so good at sport as it predicts threats first and foremost.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

All Woman


Polyamorus, non sexual.


Leana is a student at a Tantamount Middle School - she hates classes in general and tries to skip out regularly. She is good at a wide range of sports however, and scores high on cleanliness and maid duties.

Personality Characteristics


Is constantly spending extra time with the Sisters of the Prathman order.


Family Ties

Map of Main Relationships
A Map of the Relationships within the Game (Primary Named Characters)
Year of Birth
128686 SQ 12 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Overdue and had to be brought on.
White and long
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
light tanned skin under thin fur
Quotes & Catchphrases
If you wanna prove yourself, beat me on the field!
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Common, Infernal, Geek, Sign language

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