Kya Lewd Character in Some boys are Succubus (Game Pending) | World Anvil
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Kya Lewd

Kystalle Idris Lewd (a.k.a. Kya)

Kya (Pronounced Ki yA!) is the fourth youngest child of Barbera and Charma Lewd, and gratefull that she is no longer the youngest after the birth of her younger sibling Jazz.   Continually frustrated that she lives in a modern family, her persistant bookworm attitude means' she is already aware of what succubus need to do to obtain magic and long live. Despite how eager she is her parents and older siblings actively try to restrain her exploitative nature. ➤ List of all Succubus


Family Ties

Map of Main Relationships
A Map of the Relationships within the Game (Primary Named Characters)
Year of Birth
128690 SQ 8 Years old
Aligned Organization
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