Johnathan Mills Character in Solara | World Anvil
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Johnathan Mills

Emperor the I Jeveth da Gytz (a.k.a. Johnathan Mills)

Founder of the Mills Solarian Empire. Born Jeveth da Gytz and changed later in life, Mills was raised in the Martian slums. To survive, he sold handmade modifications to household appliances. During this time he was discovered by wealthy Martian philanthropist Arthur Mills and became his adoptive son. Mills the younger used his fathers funds to create the largest engineer's guild in Mars, Mills Way Corporation. It is often hotly debated how Mills came to own the planet of Mars; what is known for certain is that once he had it he immediately began to expand. It took Johnathan Mills five years to claim ownership over the entire Solar System and rename it Solara.

Mental characteristics


No formal education
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Emperor the I
2157 2238 81 years old
Circumstances of Birth
Born in the Martian slums under unknown circumstances
Circumstances of Death
Died of surgical complications while attempting to remove a brain tumor.
Unknown, Mars
Aligned Organization

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