The Northern Continent Geographic Location in Sol's Legacy | World Anvil
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The Northern Continent (nawr-thuhrn kon-tn-ent)

The Northern Continent



The Northern continent of Sol's Legacy is a rugged and majestic landscape that is characterized by massive mountain ranges and rolling hills. Created by the ancient civilizations' terraforming efforts, this region is home to a variety of unique and diverse environments, each with its own set of challenges and opportunities. From the frozen tundra of the Icy Hills to the arid deserts of the Cold Desert, the Northern continent is a place of endless adventure and discovery.  

The Icy Hills

The Icy Hills are located at the North Pole of Sol's Legacy and are characterized by their frozen tundra and rolling hills. This region is one of the harshest environments on the Northern continent, with freezing temperatures and unpredictable weather patterns. Despite the challenges posed by this environment, the Icy Hills are home to a variety of hardy species that have adapted to survive in this extreme environment.  

The Cold Desert

The Cold Desert is a transition region that lies between the Icy Hills and the Equator river system. This region is characterized by its arid landscape and harsh, unforgiving environment. Despite the lack of water and other resources, the Cold Desert is home to a variety of species that have adapted to survive in this hostile environment.  

The Mountain Passes

The Mountain Passes are a region of Sol's Legacy that are characterized by their towering peaks and treacherous terrain. This region is home to a variety of hardy species, including mountain goats and other alpine wildlife, that have adapted to survive in this challenging environment. The Mountain Passes are also home to ancient ruins and other mysterious relics, making it a place of adventure and discovery for those brave enough to venture into its rugged terrain.  

The Forested Valleys

The Forested Valleys are a region of Sol's Legacy that are characterized by their lush forests and rolling hills. This region is home to a variety of wildlife, including deer and other forest dwellers, and is a place of peace and tranquility. The Forested Valleys are also home to ancient ruins and other mysterious relics, making it a place of adventure and discovery for those who seek to uncover the secrets of the past.  

The Glacier Lakes

The Glacier Lakes are a region of Sol's Legacy that are characterized by their frozen lakes and rolling hills. This region is home to a variety of hardy species, including fish and other aquatic life, that have adapted to survive in this harsh environment. The Glacier Lakes are also home to ancient ruins and other mysterious relics, making it a place of adventure and discovery for those who seek to uncover the secrets of the past.  


The Northern continent of Sol's Legacy is a place of diversity and opportunity, with each region offering its own unique set of challenges and rewards. Whether you are exploring the frozen tundra of the Icy Hills, braving the harsh conditions of the Cold Desert, or discovering the secrets of one of the other regions, the Northern continent is a place of endless adventure and discovery.
Alternative Name(s)
Land of the Endless Horizon
Location under

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