Vertexes of Jotnarr Rank/Title in SoФoS | World Anvil
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Vertexes of Jotnarr

The Vertexes rule in their respective field under private guidance from Jotnarr, without really much group consultations. They rarely have to work together, Jotnarr keeping them divided and guarding all powers to himself and through himself.    Each Vertex can receive powers from Jotnarr through channelling, but only when Jotnarr decides to.   Vertexes are chosen by Jotnarr through the Triangulation ceremony which synchronize for the first time a puny drülshagg mind with Jotnarr's. In Reality, Jotnar is guided by a Dark One to select which Vertex replacement shall be elected.  This cycle, of replacing one of the three, happens once every century, or if there is sudden casualty. Vertexes preparation and purification is taken care by the Jotnarryk Order of Shamans.


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