Ba'achar Settlement in Skysea | World Anvil
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Ba'achar is the first city most foreigners see when the travel to Amon-Khur, and is known as "the last free city". It's not because it is the only free city left in the world but because it's the final port city before entering the great desert of the Dwarven kingdom. The sandy streets pave the way between square buildings, numerous market stalls and beautiful silks hanging above that tint the suns light and bathe the street in vibrant colors.   In Ba'achar, having a trade is well respected and to ply one's trade is a way of life. Those who are aimless in Ba'achar are generally looked down upon. If you aren't going to take on your family business, you better have a new business of your own to put in its place.



The "Malik" acts as the king of the city and is appointed by the previous Malik upon a 10-year term. Underneath the king is a "Tjaty", who acts as the king's advisor and is elected by the public into that position for life, so even as kings pass one onto the next, the Tjaty stays consistent in the expectation that they know the city and will advise in the cities interest. Because Ba'achar is a market city, there is also an Arconum Trading Company Ambassador who acts on the Guild's interest but still is considered a high ranking official. They are under the Tjaty but still maintain a place at the Malik's side.   Laws are written by the Malik with the Tjaty's input.  Then it is up to the High Commander and their retinue to carry out the interpretation of that law.


The trained and experienced Ba'achar City Guard watch over the people, enforce the law and protect the city. On top of that, various wealthy merchants and nobles have their own personal retinues.


Ba'achar runs on a market economy, and people come from all over the world to sell their goods and purchase hard to find items.  There are no farms but a vast shipyard handles all fruit and vegetable imports as well as acts as a dock for the influx of tourists.  They have also built aqueducts from a large nearby oasis that provides water to the city, flowing through the neighborhoods.  The Oasis was formed by old Dwarven druids back in the day, with a large hieroglyph at the bottom that keeps the supply of water constant.

Guilds and Factions

The Arconum Trading Company holds a large presence in Ba'achar, as every market shop and stall must be licensed and approved by the guild.  There is also a small Kurginite clan in the city known as the Starhammer Clan that has made their home out there.
Alternative Name(s)
The Last Free City, The Market City
Inhabitant Demonym

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