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It's an age of exploration amongst the floating continent of Arconus. Some search for glory, some for conquest, and others look to discover secrets previously cut off from the known world. New advances in the study of technology and magic have created opportunity and fueled the appetite for adventure.   Long-distance airship travel has only recently become a thing. Whilst airship travel was previously possible, distances were short and only available through the manual labor of wizards. Now, modern advances in technology and magic have allowed countries to expand their reach, discover new civilizations and seek out the secrets beyond the horizon.   This has led to an age of cultural diversity. 3-4 (human) generations removed from the ability to imigrate, most major cities can find every race inhabiting it. This has also led to a growth in nationalism. While not in outright war, countries have found themselves being reluctant allies at best and hostile enemies at worst.   Gods are believed to be real, but there is no consensus on who they are and what they look like. This has led to a wide variety of religious beliefs amongst different ancestries and cultures, some with shared beliefs and others directly opposed to each other.

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