Imperial Bathhouse Building / Landmark in Skormur | World Anvil
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Imperial Bathhouse

Imperial bathhouses are renowned for being the best place to go and relax that is within the Empire's reach. The only bathhouses that come close to rivaling Imperial bathhouses are those found within the mountain cities ruled by the Berdamon. However, not enough Imperial citizens have been to both in order to get a clear comparison. With outsiders being treated as annoyances rather than guests which is rather off putting. This is not the case for Imperial bathhouses, which go out of their way to make visitors feel comfortable just like a bathhouse should. Several can be found within each major city near the Heart of the Empire. The bathhouses themselves are of a large size with seperate areas for the men and women. Both are offered the same services minus the outdoor gym for the women as this is seen as unusual for a female to partake in. The overall lay out of the buildings lack variation from one building to the next given that they were all built around one uniform idea. The entrance is almost always guarded to keep would-be thieves out and to deal with any rowdy customers. Many individuals go to the bathhouses not only to bathe, but also to exercise. The atrium is open for clients, mostly young men, to exercise and is also where the caretaker resides. The caretaker directs the clients and collects payment.
Legend: A — atrium B — apodyterium (room for undressing) C — frigidarium (cool bath) D — tepidarium (warm room) E — caldarium (hot bath) F — thermal chamber G — women's tepidarium H — women's apodyterium J — women's cold bath K — the servants' atrium M — chamber for fornacatores (persons in charge of the fires) a, a2, a3 — entrances to men's baths b — entrance to women's baths c, c2 — entrances to furnace rooms d — circular furnace e — passages f — probably an oecus or exedra g — portico h — walls i — small room m — small vestibule q — passage to the furnace room r — mouth of the furnace x — water closet (latrina)

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