Rotuga Geographic Location in Skandia | World Anvil
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The great capital city of Kamazu's Domain

Written by Agent Provocateur

If you have any desire to witness beauty, you would follow me to where my people rule. It is a secret place, hidden from the worlds outside of my own, guarded by formidable defenses. If you are Phouka like me, or know how to make yourself like me, we could go. There is but one way in.   We would follow the Tugu River from where it opens into the sea. The river follows an ancient path from within the mountains themselves. As we make our way up the river bed, the banks of the river grow taller and more densly packed with plants of seemingly endless variety, but two stand out. The Kamazu ferns rule the ground, and the Ygdrasili Redwoods rule the skies. These giant trees surround the canyon walls and dot the river bed and valley. The Ygdrasili Redwoods reach to the sky so tall only Kamazu knows how high, and so wide around its base 100 Phouka could not reach around it if they were connected hand to hand. The trees are ancient, and sacred. The Kamazu ferns stand nearing a Man’s height and double that in width. Its fronds vivid green dusted with purple and black edges, giving it a shadowy nature when rustling in the breeze. They are incredibly beautiful, beckoning all to come and caress their feathered leaves, however tempting, you must not heed their call. Unless you are like me, the oils on the leaves will cause instantaneous blisters and boils to form and your face and throat will begin to swell and it will cause you to stop breathing and you will die. There is no cure and if you come into contact with Kamazu Ferns you will die, painfully, but at least it will be quick. Kamazu grants mercy to sufferers and induces agony to enemies.   If you are able to get past all of the Kamazu ferns, you will find yourself at the mouth of a great cave. Fear not, for you are nearing the great city of Rotuga, my city. The city of our God Kamazu. Dweller in the mountain, protector of the weak, champion of the just. This cave is false, and the ceiling soon crumbles away into open skies again, but the walls are now taller ahead, the river continues towards the mountain, wind fallen tree trunks cross the river acting as walkways to the clever.   The walls spread far from the rivers edge and Farmland takes up the available space, on the other side of the farms is the first of the Rotuga’s residential districts. Beyond the residential one may experience the Tradeshops, if you follow the road on past the fletchers you will enter the Elder Grove. A ring of ancient redwoods, with a pool at its center. This pool is Kamazu’s entrance to the underworld. From Kamazu’s pool a narrow path winds up the embankment and onto a shelf more than a few man heights tall, on this shelf is Kamazu’s hold. A large wooden palace overlooking his domain. Kamazu has been in the underworld for many years now, but we keep his palace ready waiting for his return. From there, Kamazu’s Palace, overlooking the entirety of Kamazu’s Domain from the temple to the markets, to the river to the fern covered walls, to big open sky. Life is slower here, safe from the dangers of the forests. We live a life of peace, tranquility, and unity with the world itself. Then, and only then will you know beauty.


Kamazu's Domain lies in the canyon system carved over the millenia by the Tugu River, on the south western coast of the island continent of Vallsgard. Vallsgard is a mountainous continent dappled with cave systems, and coated in thick forests.

Fauna & Flora

Phouka - sentient species of humanoid woodland creatures that resemble humans with features of deer. They are a race of primarily peaceful forest creatures. They are magic users whose main goal is to live in harmony with the world, and to preserve the world and defend it from invaders who don't have the same values.   Kamazu Ferns - Large leafy foliage plant, that secrets and coats itself in an oil that is highly toxic to most life forms. Large green feather like fronds whose tips are dark hues of purple into black. The Phouka are immune to its effects, as are various other prey type animals, deer, rabbits, gophers, squirrels, elk, etc.   Ygdrasilli Redwoods- Ancient trees, hundreds of meters tall, and 50+ meters wide, deeply ridged trunks of dark red. The trunks are bare of branches for nearly half of the height, and then long downward branches extending long flat green needles speckled with pine cones nearly the size of a man.   The smoldering fungus - Large colonies of fungus that lives in the soil of throughout the lands, and mushrooms poke through the ground in great clusters. Most commonly mistaken to be individual mushrooms, as opposed to growths from a single organism hidden beneath the soil. The mushrooms, are spherical and when touched they give off a plume of spores. Often toxic to life forms.

Natural Resources

Lumber - Used for construction, outside trade   Kamazu Fern - Used for defensive purposes. Infusing their armors with the plant for defensive enhancements, used for herbalism, making poisons, potions, and tinctures.   Gold - The river is also rich with gold, coming from within the mountain.   Copper - Used in construction, weapons making, jewelry and body decoration, outside trade   Iron - Used in construction, weapons making, outside trade   Rubies -Used in jewelry and body decoration, outside trade   Sapphire - Used in jewelry and body decoration, outside trade   Opal - Used in jewelry and body decoration, outside trade
Alternative Name(s)
Canyon of the Ferns, Kamazu's Domain

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