How Riorian and Karouna fell in Love Myth in Sitenautem | World Anvil
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How Riorian and Karouna fell in Love

When someone in Sitenautem is discussing the idea of an ultimate and perfect love story, they are almost always talking about and considering the story that the people know of Riorian and Karouna.


Karouna was not always as broken, lost, and withdrawn as they seem to be for many people across Sitenautem. According to the story, they once were jovial and happy and some say even more of an outgoing person than Riorian. Stories are often shared of people who claimed to know Karouna as a young adult, who lived right outside of the current capital, with several other people. Accounts always differ, but the main people that always appear are a twin sister, her husband, and a gaggle of other friends who used to explore with Karouna, adventurers together, and then Riorian. The group lived quietly and happily, always seeming to be active in the life of the city, but never really a part of the people.    One day, the group disappeared.    There are no accounts for what happened while they were gone, but many months later, one reappeared at the house the group used to live in. Karouna alone returned, and whenever attempts were made to connect and ask what had happened, there was never an answer. Everyone was gone, and there was no explanation as to why.   Karouna moved away when there was a period of hardship. Fires raged, and crops died. People everywhere moved to live a life on their own, moving from place to place in hopes to find safety. They went off the map again for several months, before reappearing once again at the capital city with a new group of people following them, and all looking as powerful as minor deities to some. Many say following, a huge battle raged, and afterward, a being came down from the skies above, floating 100 feet tall, above the ground. It did not share a name or a purpose, but it bent down, listening to the battle-worn party. And then, Riorian returned. He walked out of a foggy mist, floating beneath the hand of the large being, and reunited with Karouna. Though it is unknown how, he was revived, and whatever Karouna did to earn a favor of a being like that proves a dedication to getting back the love of their life. And afterwards, the two reached out, holding each other's hand, and rebuilt the city with a single wave, before people say they ascended to becoming Deities themselves, and healing the land, along with the rest of the party. While the rest of the people Karouna lived with never reappeared, the loyalty and love that Karouna held for Riorian is said to have brought him back from the dead, and the two now rule together over the Pantheon and over Sitenautem. While Melian may be the God of Love and Homes, Karouna and Riorian together hold the title of the Gods of Romantic Love, their dedication to each other beyond any type of love seen before, and coming together to save the world, and continue to protect it.
Date of First Recording
Unknown Time Ago- As far back as people have known the Gods
Date of Setting
Even before the story was first heard and recorded

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