The Birth of Ulkilde Myth in Sirona | World Anvil
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The Birth of Ulkilde

FROM THE RECORDS OF VARISAR BY ULRIC DRAVEN OF NORPORT The records of the founding of the Varrisar kingdom are sketchy at best and mostly fictional at worst, but I have spent many sleepless nights sifting through the old tales and legends of the birth of the kingdom and found only a few that have any merit, I will relate the first which I deem the most trustworthy. First I must lay the ground work for this tale which I received from only one source, which was a traveling company of the brotherhood of ash, although I initially thought it mere propaganda of the brotherhood the more I researched what they said the more validity I found.


It starts whilst the Duchies were still one kingdom before the collapse, during this time the God [Tambor was said to be waging a war against the tribes to his north in what was to become known as the great scouring. These tribes once spread all the way to the southern coast but were slowly pushed back by his magic. The final of these tribes, mostly orcs but with a sizable human element banded together to resist the magic tyrant ravaging the land, but they knew that that would be unable to compete with his sorcerous ability so they sent their best shamans from each tribe to bargain with the gods of the north that reside in the land and sea. The first God they approached was one of the deep oceans, the shamans made offerings and one of them gave himself up to the depths to commune with the great leviathan but it was not interested in the affairs of the land folk. Mean whilst the combined forces of the tribes were fighting a losing battle against the magically enhances forces of Tambor.   The shamans next approached what we know as Caurus to the Duchies but is referred to as the forest one by the brotherhood member who related this story. They climbed to the top of the tallest trees and beseeched the god of nature to help them against their foe. Caurus was more receptive then the gods of the deep but could not affect the lands outside his forests to much degree so he agreed to spread his influence into their land, this created a wealth of farmable land in the soon to be kingdom but did not helo in the war.   The war was not going well for the combined tribes, Tambor had founded the Ginera who took over the leading of the armies and allowed them to spread out over greater areas. With the war reaching the end the shamans who were down to only a few after the trials they faced (the recounter did not mention what other kind of trials they faced but they must have been great) they summoned the God of battle by staging a great fight between the remaining peasants and children. When Cuhlain arrived on the scene he laughed at the mock armies clashing on the fields, this is where the last 3 shamans begged him to assist them against their foe, to their surprise he agreed immediately went to command the armies of the tribes. This godly command extended the length of the war and slowed the advance of the Ginera but could not stop it entirely.   The final shaman was left with no choices but go to the most dangerous god of them all Eldrian the heart of the world who resided in a mountain in the north. (in what would become Ulkilde ) The shaman hiked to the top of the mountain to meet with the god of destruction who can rain down molten fire and shake the earth, here he talked to the god and it is not know exactly what the deal was it is known to have a steep price but Eldrian agreed to help, They sent walls of fire to decimate the ranks of [Tambor and opened the earth to swallow whole legions. Although enlisted to help the tribes the god laid waste to half of the continent, covering it in fire and ash. The remaining shaman told the tribes that it was all for the good and eventually the fire died down and the land become fertile and lush.   The armies of Tambor(person:d26ac590-7cb0-4372-a6e5-0eb63a3c78d0) destroyed and the land growing again the final shaman united the tribes in their remaining land and formed @[The Varisar kingdom.

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