Morndinsamman Organization in Sirel | World Anvil
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The pantheon of dwarven gods. "Morndinsamman" is loosely translated as "shield brothers on high" or "high dwarves".  


Name Gender Portfolio
Moradin m dwarves, creation, smithing, craftsmanship, war, protection, engineering
Abbathor m greed
Berronar Truesilver f safety, truth, home, records, traditional clan life, marriage, familial love, faithfulness/loyalty, honesty, obligations, oaths, the family, protection of children
Clangeddin Silverbeard m battle, war, valour, bravery, honour in battle
Dugmaren Brightmantle m scholarship, invention, discovery
Dumathoin m keeper of secrets under the earth, the earth's riches, mining, exploration, the dead
Gorm Gulthyn m dwarven guardians, defense, watchfulness, vigilance, duty
Haela Brightaxe f luck in battle, love of/joy of battle, monster killers, adventuring warriors
Marthammor Duin m adventurers, explorers, expatriates, travellers, and wanderers, lightning
Sharindlar f healing, mercy, romantic love, fertility, dancing, courtship, the moon
Vergadain m wealth, luck, chance, nonevil thieves, suspicion, negotiation, sly cleverness
  Though the term Morndinsamman is commonly used to refer to all dwarven gods, Moradin determines the formal membership of the pantheon. The good and neutral powers have always been members in good standing, and Abbathor remains despite most other members disliking him, as his treachery has never been proven. Laduguer was banished by the All-Father long ago, and Deep Duerra was exiled immediately following her apotheosis, but both are considered members-in-exile. Diirinka and his mad brother, Diinkarazan, are the only dwarven powers who are truly no longer members of the Morndinsamman.   The dwarven gods are said to have sprung from stone and earth, beginning with Moradin. Berronar is universally held to be Moradin's wife, and many dwarven theologians hold that all the other dwarven powers are their descendants, although the exact ordering and ancestry vary from myth to myth.   The Morndinsamman are intimately involved with the lives of their worshipers, and the Stout Folk as a whole are an unusually devout race. Faced with the slow decline of dwarves across Carath, the dwarven powers have become increasingly active as they seek to reverse that trend. Correspondingly, dwarven religion has assumed an increasingly important role in dwarven culture and society. The dwarven pantheon is predominantly male, reflecting the population imbalance between the two genders.   Unlike the elven pantheon, the members of the Morndinsamman are scattered across the Outer Planes. This may be symbolic and reflective of the dwarven desire for territory and living space; just as mortal dwarves are ever exploring new territory below the surface world, the deities themselves live apart as well.
Religious, Pantheon

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