Meliora Sequentur in Sirel | World Anvil
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Meliora Sequentur

This game, begun in October 2010, consisted of three parts: In Arena Consilium Capit, In Somnis Veritas, and Terminus Est. It was a 4th edition Dark Sun game.  


The game took place on Athas, the world under the Dark Sun. However, at the end of In Arena Consilium Capit, the PCs gained access to an artifact that allowed cross-world travel. While it was initially used for a supply run to the city of Greyhawk on Oerth, it was eventually used by the PCs to find a new home on Sirel. An associated defiler may have also ended up on Sirel, but with the infinity of the Multiverse for her to flee into, that is by no means certain.   In addition, some beings normally associated with Sirel were interested in events taking place under the Dark Sun, going so far as to stage a rescue from Athas.  

Summary of Events

In Arena Consilium Capit

Having escaped slavery in the city of Urik, the PCs (Temper, Skreeth, Reil, and Kalian, with NPCs Ishaanti, Japhed, Viicha, and others) found Kiara hiding in a cave, delirious from sun-sickness. Though she recovered from the sun-sickness with their help, she remained only semi-coherent, often going on about things beyond the ken of the others, rambling wildly, and talking to herself, or some omnipresent other. Despite this, she convinced the PCs of the veracity of her knowledge, in particular the existence and location of a psionic artifact that could allow them to travel forever beyond the reach of the Sorcerer-Kings. They set out to find this planar gate, along with a band of half-giants, as well as many others over time.   Eventually, having found the planar gate, they had to return to their allies with it. Before they could do so, Viicha fled through the gate. This troubled Kiara, as Viicha was well-versed in the defiling magic of Athas, and she feared the consequences should that knowledge spread to other worlds. She pursued Viicha, while the PCs carried the planar gate out of the ruins they'd found it in. She did not, however, return, as was her plan, before the PCs and their allies had to flee through the gate themselves, to escape a cabal of defilers known as the Eleventh Uriket. They arranged for the gate to be destroyed behind them.   The world the PCs found themselves on was Sirel. Though they didn't know it at the time, they were in the desert beyond the left bank of the Loduen River.   They had brought with them a large group of half-giants, and a smaller pack of thri-kreen. Settling in the area, these groups gave rise to sizable populations of the two races in the area (though thri-kreen already inhabited the far reaches of the desert). Due to interpersonal conflicts among the half-giants, they broke into two groups, and the half-giants were never unified again.   Where Viicha and Kiara ended up is unknown, though the borders of the desert are expanding, encroaching on southern Raangyrn's savanna, perhaps pointing to the use of defiling magic.  

In Somnis Veritas

The Xammux took interest in the death of the PC Mara-kai, revealing (obliquely) that they were watching Athas for somewhat inscrutable reasons.  

Terminus Est

It eventually became known to another group of PCs (Calaois, Kalim Del, Pock, and the one later known as Clounach) that the devas of Dark Sun originally came from Sirel, sent in pursuit of a last mission for their dead god. The devas Kalim Del and Feria, in the end, effectively succeeded at this mission, freeing the being known as the Beast from Athas (though at the cost of their purity). It may be easily hypothesized that they ended up on Sirel.  


Ishaanti, Japhed, Viicha
Kalim Del

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