Cauliflora Species in Siopra | World Anvil
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“There I was, just selling some cauliflower at the market when suddenly a wizard came over and muttered to me. I have no idea what he said, but all of my cauliflower kind of melted together into a giant cauliflower person thing and walked off! In short, I’m never selling cauliflower or trusting wizards again.”
  Nobody really knows how Cauliflorans came to be, but somehow they did. Wizards all around Elea collect cauliflower to create a Cauliflora to either be a companion, or just to try and annoy farmers. Some Cauliflora become intelligent enough to go on their own adventures and live their own lives, but it’s extremely rare for them to reach this level of intelligence.

Basic Information


Cauliflora are of humanoid shape. Their skeleton is a lot softer than humans, due to the fact that it is made of cauliflower stalk. They tend to be quite lanky and tall, however some Cauliforans are more bulky.   Their facial features tend to be quite knobbly due to the nature of cauliflower, however this is solely visual and doesn’t give pain to the bearer.

Genetics and Reproduction

Cauliflora are unable to reproduce, however it is possible for them to learn wizardry and create their own children from cauliflower, and raise them as such.

Growth Rate & Stages

The size of a Caulifloran is judged by the amount of cauliflower used in the creation spell. After they are created, Cauliflora grow at the same pace as humans.

Ecology and Habitats

Cauliflora tend to live the same way as other species, in houses. They are able to sleep wherever due to the fact that they are an evolved vegetable.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Cauliflora don’t “eat”, however just absorb nutrients from the ground as they walk around with small roots that branch from their feet. They also drink through Osmosis using these same roots.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Due to the small amount of Cauliflora, they tend to not meet for a long time. As the population of the species increases, they tend to meet more often and befriend eachother.   Some Cauliflora reach the level of intelligence required to befriend other species as well, however they don’t make friends easily due to natural anxiety.

Civilization and Culture

Common Dress Code

Cauliflora wear clothes the same as other species do, however prefer more loose fitting clothes to allow easy movement.
Scientific Name
Cabage cultivar sapiens
Cauliflora are seemingly immortal
Conservation Status
The Caulifloran species are few in numbers due to the creation process, however as more Cauliflora are being created they are learning how to create more, thus multiplying quickly.
Average Height
Average Weight
Average Physique
Cauliflora tend to be tall and thin, due to their food consumption methods.

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Dec 6, 2019 15:38

I like your intro quote

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