Zytomyr The Pinestrider in Silencia | World Anvil
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Zytomyr The Pinestrider

Domain- Nature Mission- Protect the wild Clerical Mission- Protect the wild and all creatures in it. Ideals- People live and Die, It is part of nature, treat it as it is Flaws- Being the eldist Zytomyr knows things he doesn't share, non of the other deities know when or how Zytomyr came to be, all of them can remember him in their earliest memories. Bonds- Zytomyr keeps the peace between the deities of the new pantheon, being the eldest Mannerisms- tends to speak very calm and collectively, his thoughts move slow like tree sap. Appearance- Zytomyr is a dark-skinned humanoid with two solid pools of sage green for eyes, his hair starts bark brown and gradients into leaves and vines as it spills down his back. He wears ornate green and gold robes and is almost always seen with a pleasant smile. Method of communication- Zytomyr speaks to his own through plants and the natural life. Holy symbol- a depiction of a black chestnut tree

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