Shkarn Ethnicity in Sigmà Croí | World Anvil
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The Shkarn are a Dwarven people who are from Durin on the continent of Vesra deep in the Wyvernspine Mountains. They are a fiercely independent people who love spending their time exploring their homeland's mountains and hills both above and below. They are also a very gregarious people and love learning something, meeting someone new or discovering something. Most Shkarn are followers of Church of the Eternal Forge.
The Shkarn don't typically trust Khol an think they are arrogant and dismissive of them. They still hold a grudge against the Khol for the Dwarven Wars that split their people.  


Ability Score Increase See Hill Dwarf
Size Medium
Speed 25ft

See Hill Dwarf

Languages. You can speak Shkarn, Common and one other language of choice.


Common Customs, traditions and rituals

Shkarn are typically devote worshipers of Lir as the creator of the Dwarven race and the master of craftsmen.

Coming of Age Rites

When a Shkarn reaches adulthood at the age of 40 they are expected to spend several years traveling throughout their lands or the outside world see and learning to find their path and figure out what they wish do do in life before returning and undergoing the traditional adulthood ceremony.
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