Khol Ethnicity in Sigmà Croí | World Anvil
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The Khol are a Dwarven people who are from the country of Khol in the region of Vaeleron. They have lived on and in the mountains and highlands of their kingdom since early in the Age of Dreams. Most of their people spend their lives working as miners, stone workers and shepherds rarely leaving their lands. Though they are not adverse to outside contact most, other than merchants, have no interest in the outside world or their affairs preferring instead to perfecting the craft that they have chosen as their lives focus.   Almost all Khol choose a craft in their youth, quite often a family will follow the same craft for generations, to devote their life to perfecting. They will focus much of their life on leaning all they can of their craft and its skills in the hope of creating a great work so their name, and their families will be revered as a true master of their craft and written in Lir 's Book of Ages. Most Khol are followers of the Church of the Eternal Forge.   The Khol typically distrust and dismiss the Shkarn as ungrateful upstarts who betrayed their own people during the Dwarven Wars almost five hundred years ago when their two people split.  


Ability Score Increase See Mountain Dwarf
Size Medium
Speed 25ft

See Mountain Dwarf

Languages. You can speak Khol, Common and one other language of choice.



Common Customs, traditions and rituals

Khol are typically devote worshipers of Lir as the creator of the Dwarven race and the master of craftsmen.

Coming of Age Rites

From the age of 20 a Khol by tradition will spend at least 6 months of each year studying a different craft so that they can find the one craft that is a match for them to choose as the focus of their life. When a Khol reached the age of 40 they are considered to enter adulthood and it is tradition at this time for them to have a coming of age ceremony where they officially choose the craft, and the master they have been chosen by to study under, they are to devote their life to.

Cultural Opinions

  Ashii: They are a wild, chaotic and unpredictable people, caution should always be used around them.

Rylesh: They are an accursed people and should not be fully trusted until they can be cleaned of Vesh'as'Kel's taint.

Shkarn: They may be our ancient kin but they are traitors and should never be trusted.
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