Avalle Settlement in Sigmà Croí | World Anvil
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Avalle is the capital of Aos'Muir, it is situated at the mouth of the Vass River where it pours into the Obsidian Bay with the cliffs of Mount Crane along its northern edge. The city is split into a number of districts stretching across the cliffs, tiers and a number of islands with a number of canals separating them. It is the capital of both the Aos and the Viden.   The city's buildings are constructed mostly of stone and brick with ceramic tile roofs painted in various shades of crimson, blue and yellow. Throughout the city are numerous plazas, parks, gardens and canals making the city seem far larger than it should for its size. Behind the city and around Dove Cove to the east lay the silvery white granite cliffs of Mount Crane that are shot through with veins of black, crimson and purple. Directly behind and high above the main section of the city several large buildings with ornate pillars have been carved into the cliff side and in the cliffs around the cove a number of tiers have been carved out some with buildings built upon them and others with buildings carved directly into the cliff side.
Alternative Name(s)
The Garden City
Large city
Related Ethnicities
Inhabitant Demonym
65% Aos, 20% Viden, 5% Ulari, 10% Other
Owning Organization

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