Aos Muir Organization in Sigmà Croí | World Anvil
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Aos Muir

Aos Muir is a country in the Arlynn region of Kelia. It encompasses an area including the entire Turin valley, the eastern parts of the Shale Hills and the Broan pass.     Aos Muir is the homeland of the Aos people. The Aos are a people who believe in freedom and hard work and finding one's own way in life. Their society is a capitalist monarchy and is typically open and welcoming to most races and religions as long as you follow the laws of the country.

Foreign Relations

Ashii: Neutral Changeling: Distrusting Dorvai: Neutral Hastur: Friendly Khol: Friendly Jai: Neutral O'lykii: Neutral Rylesh: Neutral Sargath: Distrusting Shkarn: Friendly Tanziel: Distrusting Tusari: Distrusting Warforged: Neutral Xodan: Neutral

Ut honesta per angustia (Be honorable through adversity)


Ability Score Increase +1 to any two ability scores
Size Medium
Speed 30ft

You gain 1 skill of your choice and 1 feat of your choice

Languages. You speak Aos, Common and one other language of your choice.



Ability Score Increase See Genasi
Size Medium
Speed 30ft

See Genasi

Languages. You speak Aos, Common, and Primordial.

Geopolitical, Country
Government System
Monarchy, Constitutional
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Market economy
Notable Members

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