Iyona Fizzletrick Character in Shin | World Anvil
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Iyona Fizzletrick

Grandmaster Iyona Fizzletrick

I was born alone into this world by creatures that did not understand me. Through the years I have grown to love others and I have build a family in my faction. When the The Yester Rift opened, all of them died. The demons swarmed through our monastery and immediately killed all of my brothers and sisters. It was then that I swore vengeance and would not rest until the demon scourge had been subdued. - Iyona Fizzletrick in Memories from the Rift.   Iyona Fizzletrick was a gnomish hero that lived during the demonic wars, when the The Yester Rift had just opened.

Divine Domains

Magic, knowledge

Physical Description

Body Features

Thanks to her actions driving of the demonic forces, and her study towards the supernatural powers, there were signs of Demonic Corruption noticeable by her peers. Shortly after a grand council expressed their fears towards their grandmaster, Iyona disappeared. According to the council she went on a quest to find a cure for the corruption that was taken hold of her, however nobody truly knows what happened to her.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born into a family and tribe of Goblins, one might expect those creatures finding it uneasy to comprehend what just transpired. Although she was tolerated in the tribe, she was never accepted. As she matured quickly, just like all gnomes, she left the tribe at the age of ten and wandered throughout the Durrichon Kingdom.   Not much was known about Gnomes at that time, since there had never been sighted one throughout the kingdoms. The species has gained legendary status through Iyona's actions and every gnome that enters the islands will not go unnoticed.   After a few years of wandering, Iyona stumbled upon a humble monastery in what is currently the island of Tondaril . The mountain range made for a seclusive location, and the monks that ran the monastery had good connections with the local elves and dwarves, they were left alone and it was easy to trade with the local tribes and clans. After the The Yester Rift opened, the mountain range got splintered, and due to the location of monastery (southern part of Tondaril), the demons hid in the mountains from the royal army, pillaging the dwarven clans first, and short after, destroying the monastery.   Iyona was the last survivor of the massacre, and it sparked some unlocked potential in her. During the years she had been taught in the martial ways, but in her spare time, she dabbled in the arcane. Her genetic affinity, combined with her high intelligence, allowed her to cast and remember spells. Because she was not taught the arcane ways, the spells were rough, but creative.   She vowed to drive back the demonic invasion and wandered the shattered kingdom in search of arcane allies, which she found in the form of a now legendary faction, the Silver Ward. Together with the arcane grandmasters, she developed a way create a huge magical shield that would ward of the Demonic Corruption and fiends that was scouring the lands. Together with the royal army she succeeded in driving back the demons and thanks to the seven pillars, the area around the yester rift is guarded.   She was eighteen when she founded her faction.


Iyona is mostly self taught, although she has gained some minor martial expertise, she is no traditional fighter. Her arcane powers are learned hands-on during the demonic wars.


As - still acting - grandmaster of the Silver Ward, she is employed by the faction. Since she disappears there hasn't been an official grandmaster.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Her biggest achievement to date is still the development and creation of the bulwark. However even without this achievement her heroic actions could fill entire libraries.

Failures & Embarrassments

Her affinity with the arcane magics, caused her many failures. During her time at the monastery she more than once afflicted damage to property, herself or some of the monks. While she was still honing her skills, she was seen as a stumble wizard, powerful, uncontrolled, and thus dangerous. She gained the name Fizzletrick there, because most tricks she tried to perform failed, sometimes spectacularly.


Religious Views

While Iyona wasn't a strongly religious she regularly communed with Aislin, goddess of magic and knowledge. For her actions, her creative magic, and unsurpassed knowledge, she has currently gained exalted status.


Not every mortal could keep up with how fast she spoke. Most commoners could not interact with her, they said that her mind leapt chaotically and was unable to keep a coherent conversation.
Divine Classification
Lawful Good
Date of Birth
Circumstances of Birth
She was born in a family of goblin where she was accepted, but nobody understood who she was.
Circumstances of Death
While it is unknown if she has died, she hasn't been seen in centuries
Her iconic pink hair has inspired generations of female wizards throughout history
Aligned Organization

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