7 Spirits Creation Story Myth in Shifting Earth | World Anvil
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7 Spirits Creation Story


At the beginning of time the world was just a mixture of Energy. Overtime Energy got closer together until all the Energy in the universe formed seven huge clouds of Energy, each cloud being one type of Energy. These clouds condensed and condensed until they became spirits. The spirits were capable of controlling their Energy, and using their Energy to create.   The spirits were curious about their powers. Working together, they experimented with making the universe. Eventually they grew curious if they could make something like themselves, a species that was self aware, curious, wanted to create, and had personalities. But first they needed a place for the species to live.   The first seven planets were failed attempts at making a home for living things. On every planet whatever species they would create would quickly die. They poured all their effort and knowledge into Earth, finally creating a planet habitable for life. Next came the trial and error of making the kind of species they were thinking of. They had many mistakes (when fossils and extinctions proved they had much more mistakes than previously thought), but eventually humans evolved to, well, humans. After watching humans for a long time, the spirits came to an agreement that this species was what they set out to make. Finally, after all that work and time. The spirits were ecstatic!   Another reason the spirits were ecstatic was that the spirits were exhausted. Creating so much had drained their Energy an impressive amount. Also, they had discovered that when large amounts of Energy would gather in one place, Demons would be born. Demons terrorized the world and upset ecosystems. Taking care of Earth was getting to be a chore. They wanted help and to rest.   So one day when the spirits came down to earth and selected seven different people. Each spirit gave a huge piece of themselves to the human they selected, creating Shifters. The spirits were left as shadows of themselves, barely able to Shift anything. However it's rumored that they still had and have the ability to take Energy back. Whether that's true or not, the spirits made the Shifters swear to always live to protect the world from Demons. To teach their children to, and their children's children too, and keep teaching and protecting. The Shifters promised yes they would. disappeared and haven't been seen since.   The plan went exceptionally well. Shifters used their powers to protect earth and especially humans, and used their powers to improve human kind. Except for one thing. It quickly became clear that Reality Shifters suffered disastrous side effects after Shifting. One of their limbs or other body part would start to disappear. When that limb disappeared, another random body part would start to disappear. Changing the very fabric of the world seemed to be too much for human bodies to handle. Lucky for them, Reality Demons rarely seemed to form.   This is how Shifter's came to be, and why they are sworn to protect the world and namely humans.

Historical Basis


  • The story matches up with everything known about Energy, Shifters, Shifting, Demons, current culture, etc. 
  • Thinking of the basics, there is no scientific explanation yet for how the universe was formed or what causes particles and atoms and all the rules of the world to be the way they are. So many Shifters source this story as a explanation.
  • Many Shifters also say they can believe the spirits exist because each type of Energy has it's own feel and almost personality.
  • Shifters also say this story makes more sense to them because the Light and Dark Creation Story gives too much power to Light or/and Dark.


  • No explanation of where Energy came from, how it got there, how it was created, etc.
  • No proof the spirits or the original Shifters they gave Energy to exists.


It's a commonly known and believed in some way story, like Adam and Eve.

Variations & Mutation

Although the story Light and Dark Creation Story was written by and popularized in Life/Light Shifter and Dark/Death Shifter communities, it uses some of the aspects of this story.

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