Osman Naser Character in Shattered Skies | World Anvil
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Osman Naser

UN Station Chief (a.k.a. Oz)

You know he still thinks Yangra needs to be prepared to run autonomously, like during the revolution. He says it could always happen again. He wasn't even alive then!   -Naser's former staff officer

Mental characteristics


A graduate of the Union Auxiliary program at the age of 21, Naser has been on missions throughout the Etistroa System and the Scion System.


After Auxiliary service, Naser joined Yangra Station's port guard garrison, responsible for regulating trade bound through the station. He demonstrated a keen eye for irregularities, being promoted to watch captain shortly after.   Over the years of service on the station, he was eventually promoted to Station Chief, where he serves today.
Current Location
Year of Birth
4969 u 47 Years old
Aligned Organization

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