Midland Archipelago Geographic Location in Shattered Skies | World Anvil
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Midland Archipelago

The Midland Archipelago is a subsector of Union space where Shattered Skies takes place. It is a string of systems that stretches from the Atlas to the Himalaya Blink Gate lines.


A long, narrow trip of stars containing habitable planets, travel routes through Midland are often sequential, rather than meshed. This results in more populated, connected systems at the end of each line and more sparse, remote ones towards the center.


Midland is a long-known sector of Union space. The anchor stations of Yangra Station and Kanchenjunga Station were both built before the Third Committee Period. While the core systems of Midland are relatively in-step with Union policy and political outlook, the sector is quite expansive, and some sections of Midland have yet to feel the touch of the Third Committee, if Union at all.   Midland, while a staple of Union in regards to producing material, personnel, and culture, is often overlooked and forgotten. A steadfast and constant through Union's storied history, Midland seldom gains the attention of the galaxy.
Galactic Sector
Included Locations
Owning Organization

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