Portalbearer Species in Shanalar | World Anvil
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Footfalls made the forest floor tremble as the portal bearer disentombed its large body from under the foliage. Dirt, leaves and insects fell from its back as two tusk-like pillars protruding from its back rose into the air. Elctricric crackling coming from the yellow glowing portal between the pillars. "We have to enter the portal now!" An elven woman with bow in hand ran from behind the trees as she grabbed a rope from her belt. As she neared the growing mound she jumped grabbing its hindleg.   While the elf climbed the still rising creature four other figures emerged from behind the trees. "Why do we need to hurry? as long as you have the rope we can climb up" yelled a short stocky figure with a grin. "Do not anger her Thyrik, she might cut the rope as you are climbing it." remarked a tanned man.   The elf, having reached the top, knotted the rope to one of the pillars on the Portalbearer's back. The hulking creature fully awakened from its slumber now resumed its endless travel across Shanalar. With each step the forest floor trembled, almost toppling the party. The elf threw one end of the rope to the ground while steadying herself to the pillar. The party ran alongside the shadow of the Portalbearer, not even able to see the portal nor the elf on its back. As they climbed the rope they were swung from side to side occasionally banging against the rough and hard thighs of the creature.   As the last of the party reached the top of the Portalbearer the elf walked into the yellow light, disappearing from sight. After the elf the other party members one after the other entered the portal leaving no trace of their existence behind.

Basic Information


Portalbearers are large hulking creatures their skin almost rocklike and generally overgrown with moss walking in on four large legs. The Portalbearer has two black eyes not much larger than gold coins. more than half of its face is comprised of its mouth.   Two pillar like bones protruding from its back arch inward. Holding a portal to another dimension in its place. The portals glow mutes as the Portalbearer ages eventually extinguishing completely as it dies. The color of the portal on its back determines the plane to which it leads.

Genetics and Reproduction

It is not known how Portalbearers reproduce if at all. It is believed that they were created by gods of old and that they are slowly going extinct.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The Portalbearer is an omnivore eating everything and anything unlucky enough to cross its path. While the Portalbearer is no predatory creature and shies away from conflict it has not the capacity to distinguish living creatures from objects. Eating leaves, berries, meat and even rocks the Portalbearer can sustain itself even in the most barren of places.   If, by chance, there is nothing to eat for the Portalbearer the creature can survive multiple decades without food. For this same reason the Portalbearer can sleep for over 100 years without ever waking up.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The portal bearer is nearly blind due to the small size of its eyes. While it can vaguely distinguish large objects it cannot follow quick movements or smaller objects and creatures, including humans.   While burrowed underground it can sense earth tremors but mostly ignores those unless it feels threatened.   Due to its thick rocklike skin the Portalbearer won't feel much of anything.
Average Height
Average Weight
22.600 kg
Average Length

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