Hunters lodge
"Go out young hunter and earn your stripes. There is a beast that prowls the farms at night, eat the calves and keeps the woman awake. Remember your training. Track, observe, learn and kill. Do not attack a beast without knowing it's weakness."- Huntsmaster to his apprentice
The hunters lodge is led by the twelve beastmasters. Each of the beastmasters is responsible for a number of lodges under him or her in a certain region. These lodges are called Cabins and are mainly located in the larger cities.
Every cabin is lead by a Gwardjan, they oversee the day to day business of their respective cabin. While they are proven hunters they are generally stuck inside managing the cabin. For exeptional dangerous hunts the Gwardjan might leave for an extended period of time and might even team up with another Gwardjan or the beastmaster of his regions. For a Gwardjan to rise to the rank of beastmaster they first have to be chosen as successor by performing exeptional feats. If a Gwardjani is chosen as successor he or she has to tame a creature chosen by the beastmaster. Not only will this be test of strength and survival but also empathy for a beastmaster should be able to sooth or dominate a creature if the need arises.
Within every cabin there will be other hunters beside the Gwardjani. These hunters are divided into various ranks. The Huntsmasters are the senior hunters of the cabin. They will hunt larger prey and see to the training of the cubs. To become a huntsmaster a Shere has to perform a hunt on a giant beast.
Sheres are hunters who have had enough kills and trophies to rise out of the rank of Mang
Mang are hunters who have proven to be of added value to their city and villages surrounding it. They hunted a number of medium sized creatures and added at least one trophy to the cabin. These trophies are prove of the killing of a particular troublesome creature. Such a hunt is normally only given away by a huntsmaster.
The apprentices who have just joined the cabin are called cubs. They tend to deal with smaller pests and vermin bothering the townspeople. They are also responsible for hunting for food for the cabin. They are tasked to hunt just enough to feed the cabin and a bit more to feed some of the poorer people. Cubs are trained by huntsmasters and are required to log every kill they make. They will also learn to create the weapon of their choice out of wood and stone. These will also be the weapons they will be using until they have enough kills to their name to rise to the rank of Mang.
Besides the hunters in the cabin there are the Tabib. Researchers who will request certain beasts to be brought in. They mainly go to the Mang or Shere for these requests. They will catalog the weaknesses of hunted beast to further help the Hunters Lodge. With their knowledge they will fill books and libraries with information that hunters on their end can use to more effectively hunt their prey.
Public Agenda
The hunters lodge exists to serve and protect people of wild land creatures. They do not mingle in politics unless strictly necessary for their job.
It is also strictly forbidden to raise a weapon against a fellow humanoid if it is not strictly necessary for the survival of the hunter or his brothers or sisters. For this they will take an oath, if the oath is ever broken the hunter will be cast out in the wild without his gear and marked with a broken arrow on his cheek.
ọkàn selvaġġa, embrace the soul of the wild
Guild, Professional
Alternative Names
The lodge
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