Saeder-Krupp Organization in Shadowrama! | World Anvil
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Saeder-Krupp Heavy Industries can be summed up in one word: Lofwyr. The great dragon owns nearly 100 percent of this German-based megacorp, and he rules it with the kind of attention to detail that only one of his kind can maintain. It’s not impossible to put one over on Lofwyr, but it’s very difficult—and usually fatal. The wyrm doesn’t suffer fools gladly, and shadowrunners who go against him (or fail in one of his jobs) might just find themselves on his list—which also happens to be his lunch menu.

Primarily involved in heavy industry, S-K is also strong in chemicals, finance, and aerospace with a presence in many other areas. Secure in its position as the largest corporation in the world, it wields extensive power and influence.


In fact, Saeder Krupp’s military assets may form the best-equipped private military units in existence—aside from independent mercenary forces and shadowrunners, of course. Saeder Krupp rarely uses brute force to settle a conflict, although it doesn’t hesitate to do so when it seems necessary.

“One Step Ahead”

Founding Date
Alternative Names
Saeder-Krupp Heavy Industries (Saeder-Krupp Schwerindustriegesellschaft)
Predecessor Organization
Notable Members
You Know Them For
Perhaps being singlehandedly responsible for the adage to never cut a deal with a dragon.

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