Saeder-Krupp Everett Facility Building / Landmark in Shadowrama! | World Anvil
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Saeder-Krupp Everett Facility

Saeder-Krupp ’s Everett factories build the company’s huge aircraft and spaceplanes. There are ten factories in the facility, five of them under the roof of the largest building in the world, including the assembly line of the mammoth Boeing 828. Surrounding the factories and runways of Paine Field is “Kruppville,” housing for about 25 percent of the corporation’s employees. The company supplies apartments and houses free of charge to certain employees, complete with free entertainment and utilities. Saeder-Krupp Security provides round-the-clock police services for the corporate neighborhoods, making them some of the safest and cleanest in Seattle.
938 84th Street SW
Parent Location
Owning Organization

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