Kredic (Logan) Paynes Character in Senso | World Anvil
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Kredic (Logan) Paynes

Sir Kredic Paynes

Kredic from a young age was told the importance of Religion, how to be a beacon of it, how to protect it, and most importantly, how to defend it. From the age of 10 he was trained, disciplined and taught of his goddess Cera, and all that she had done for him as his people. At the age of 18 he had mastered shield and sword combat, and at 20 he began to defend his homeland, and his people. His goddess had fallen many, many years ago, someone had ended her sacred life, and he vowed to avenge her.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Broad shoulders, thick arms,

Body Features

Body has been kept untainted to remain as Holy as he can.

Facial Features

His Face is not seen

Identifying Characteristics

He is never caught without his Holy Knight Uniform

Physical quirks

He walks with a slight limp in is left leg

Apparel & Accessories

He at all times wears the armor of the Goddess Cera, it is white with a large red symbol on the front and back so all know he is a Knight of Cera.

Specialized Equipment

Sword and Shield Combat

Mental characteristics

Personal history

In the year blank, Kredic being 20 years of age was considered trained enough to be allowed to adventure by himself. He defended his city for 5 years, from Bandits, wild beasts, unholy adversaries and heretics. He was tasked with making his way to the Midgand Church and being told where he was needed.


Brought up in the church, knows everything about the goddess Cera.


Holy Midgand Knight

Accomplishments & Achievements

Defeated an undead Relentless Warrior in a one-on-one match.

Personality Characteristics


Serving the Holy Church's orders, to his dying breath.

Likes & Dislikes

Sugary Goods

Vices & Personality flaws

Down bad for Chronus Does not question Midgand Church unless goddess says otherwise.


Prestine. The body is a temple that must remain pure, clean.


Family Ties


Religious Views

Unwavering belief in Cera


Rubs his helmet like he is rubbing his temples.


Just a little southern

Wealth & Financial state

Cera and the Church will provide

A Holy Midgand Knight has never taken off his Helmet in front of anyone. Let gods will be done.

View Character Profile
Lawful Neutral
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Marshal Knight
Not Specified
Current Residence
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5ft 10in
250 lbs.
Quotes & Catchphrases
Deus Vult. (God Wills It)

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The Haglin

If you are given a hair by him he can comunicated with you within a mile


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