how magic works: in Sector 0: | World Anvil
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how magic works:

This will tell you all you need to know about magic and how it works when creating a character, it will go in depth on how magics can interact with things and the rules that apply when using them.

character creation:
When creating a character you can pick a race class and magic, magic is a option you can pick when your first creating your character. If you have picked class level 1 then you can have 2 magics at level 1 or one magic at level 2 but if you picked class level 2 then you can only have 1 magic at level 2 mastery. If class level 3 is chossen then they dont get any magic at all. If you can pick 2 magics then you can combine them into one creating a new magic, like life and earth making plant magic.

training magic:
Training your magic is a fundamental part of magic and how it works, you train your magic by going over your limiter or / and immunity, having the chance to increase your mastery level of the specific power you are using to go over your limits. This can also increase the three magic stats (power, limiter, immunity) making you naturally able and more powerful with your magic.

using magic:
When using your power you have to read your mastery level of your power and stay in the confines of it, when using your power the first thing you need to role is power. Power is how strong the spell or action will be, once this has been rolled and decided if its effective you then role dexterity to see if you can aim the action correctly seeing if it hits. After using a few really powerful magical actions relative for your limiter, immunity and mastery level, you can start to run out of magical energy and have to role the specific stat as a saving throw. Roll a limiter saving roll if your running out of magic energy for you own magical actions or a immunity saving role if your taking a lot of hits from magical attacks.

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