Vermillium Material in Sean's Sci-Fi-verse | World Anvil
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A redfish crystal with vast amounts potential energy locked within its molecular structure. It's one of the most popular power sources in the Galaxy. Relatively recent compared to other power sources and fuel, it's gaining widespread use among space travellers and pioneer colonies due to its portable and energy efficient properties.


Material Characteristics

Semi-translucent, crystalline formation. Often comes in the form of clusters pillars and rods jutting out from an origin point or each other.

Physical & Chemical Properties

The crystals possess vast amounts of potential energy inside each particle. Various methods have been formulated to generate power from this material. In its solid state, Vermillium crystals can be used as batteries to power machines and devices. In its liquid or gaseous states, it can be used as fuel for vehicles and starships.


Various materials have been used with Vermillium to enhance and improve its properties. Liquid and Gas Vermillium fuel are one such compounds.

Geology & Geography

Vermillium crystals are often found in space, deep underground or on planets and moons with minimal to no atmosphere. Asteroid belts are one of the most best sources of these crystals. Due to this, refueling stations are often built near these areas.

Origin & Source

Vermillium deposites usually form along side metal deposits such as iron and tungsten. Due to this metal mining outposts usually rapidly develop into industrial sectors once ample deposits of this material is discovered..

Life & Expiration


History & Usage

Everyday use

Vermillium Crystals are used primarily as energy source to power various devices, gadgets, machinery and vehicles.

Cultural Significance and Usage

In ancient times and tribal civilzations, these crystals were often times called "The Blood of God" and other variants.

Industrial Use

Vermillium Crystals are a vital component in the creation of Vermillium batteries and Vermillium Fuel.


Vermillium Crystals, once extracted from its deposit, is refined with a combination of heat and chemical processes inside ore refineries to remove any impurities. Usually, raw Vermillium contains metallic elements mixed within its structure.

Manufacturing & Products

Vermillium Crystals are one of the primary components in the creation of Vermillium engines, Vermillium batteries and other power generating products that uses or can use, Vermillium. Vermillium Crystals are also used to make Vermillium fuel; A liquid compound used to fuel rockets and thrusters.

Byproducts & Sideproducts

Vermillium Crystals become inert once its stored energy is used up. Because the knowledge of "recharging" them is not widely known among the general public, inert crystals are either sold to recycling plants, turned into jewelry or simply just thrown away. Vermillium fuel, when used up, leaves of soot-like reddish black material covering the inner walls of exhaust pipes and jet thrusters.


Although Vermillium is safe to touch, crushed or powdered forms of this material is toxic when ingested, snorted or enters one's bloodstream. Liquid and gas forms of Vermillion is safe though the chemicals that are mixed with them to produce these products might not.

Environmental Impact

Vermillium, in its natural state, does not have any harmful effects on the environment. In fact, some organisms have evolved to make use of its unique properties to their biological mechanisms. Naturally, this makes these organisms generally unsafe for consumption, depending on the concentration of Vermillium inside their bodies or the biological tolerance of the individual that will be eating these organisms.

Reusability & Recycling

Once energy from a Vermillium is used, it becomes inert and becomes nothing more than a decorative gemstone. Special chemical processes have been developed to essentially "recharge" inert Vermillium, though these recycled Vermillium crystals contains less potential energy inside them than natural Vermillium. Scientists are still researching ways to emulate the natural environmental conditions to produce something similar to natural Vermillium


Trade & Market

Vermillium crystals themselves are not generally available to the public but its myriad of products and byproducts are.


Vermillium crystals are generally stored in padded containers to prevent cracking due impacts or vibrations.

Law & Regulation

Selling Vermillium crystals for profit is legal though the manufacturing of Vermillium products requires a business license and the necessary proficiency certificates involving the handling and manipulation of industry materials.


Elemental / Molecular
Relatively Affordable. Very cheap in its inert state.
Relatively Common
Faint sweetness with an overwhelmingly metallic flavor.
Red. Pale Red in its inert state.
Common State
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