The Kingdom of Hálendiheim Organization in Sean's Sci-Fi-verse | World Anvil
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The Kingdom of Hálendiheim

A megacity built on top of a large plateau located at the western highlands of Ruzdal-5. The city is built around an ancient Arc-class colony starship which has since served as the the city state's capital. One of the three major factions of Ruzdal-5, the kingdom forms 1/3rd of the Ruzdal Triumvirate.


Hálendiheim is ruled by a monarch, a king or queen, who rules the land until they retire or voluntarily pass the throne to their eldest offspring or closest living relative if they have none. When the ruling monarch is away on a diplomatic mission or is physically unable to rule due to illness or injury, a designated regent takes their place until they return. People who are usually assigned as regent are the monarch's spouse, one of the princes/princess or a trusted advisor.   Beneath them are a group of regional lords known as "Jarls" who each rule a section of the megacity who themselves rule a group of mayors who each rule a town or hamlet. At the bottom are houses and clans with each ruled by the clan head. Prestigious houses usually adorn themselves with their family crest on their person usually in the form of jewelry or patch that bares their symbol.

Public Agenda

Háleniheim's focus is within the industrial and trade sectors. Manufacturing and export of goods such as components and industrial equipment is one of their primary sources of income.


Hálendiheim has the most access to metal resources and industry materials. Mining and metal working are one of their most popular career paths. Aside from this, due to their unique geographical location, aviation is also one their second most significant industry. Their himinn-class family of skyships are among the most popular modes of transportations.


Archeological Findings of the Origins of Hálendiheim

Archeological studies of the arc ship and genetic studies of the local population suggests that the initial colonists consisted mostly of ethnic groups originating from Scandinavia and Northern Europe of Sol-3 (or "Earth" by Human terms) which has most likely affected the Hálendiheim's cultural influences and native dialects. The presence of ancient models of robot constructors and indicates that the initial settlements were autonomously built by robot construction teams supervised by human engineers. Engines, batteries and generators found in this era are powered by a type of power source that is absent on the planet's surface which has led to Hálendians' downfall.  

The Dark Ages

Technological relics indicates that the initial colony settlements started out relatively advanced, on par with most human colonies at the time, before degenerating to iron age era levels technology due to lack of viable power and loss of scientific knowledge. Society deteriorated and reverted back tribalism where small clans competed with one another for land and resources. Soon these clans would merge together into small feudal settlements and society advances to the medieval ages once more.  

Resurgence and the Rediscovery of Lost Technology

At some point the "wisemen" (as written from old runic carvings) of this era eventually found an alternative means of power in the form of Vermillium Energy. Soon treasure hunters, tech raiders and diggers became a popular, yet dangerous, profession. Ancient ruins are usually filled with traps and malfunctioning robotic automatons still following their old, but corrupted, directives. Settlements who acquire the most tech relics found themselves becoming more prosperous and advanced compared to their peers. Soon most of the settlements have advanced enough that most of the old knowledge became useful again after so long.  

Founding of a Kingdom

Hálendiheim began when the local population of colonists have grown so numerous that the need for an official government became more apparent. Various forms of government were put port during the founding stages but eventually a constitutional monarchy was chosen over the others. How this came to be or what circumstances affected the outcome of this choice remains vague at best.  

First Contact

Work in Progress  

Warring City States Period

During the warring states period, the kingdom showed their prowess in air combat in the battlefield. Squadrons of airborne machines could be seen flying to and from the plateau, blotting out the sun. Their sturdy walls and fortresses proved strong enough to withstand continuous bombardments and sieges. Their one downfall however comes in the fact that they lack enough energy to power their hardy machines long enough to win a war of attrition. Thus, it has came to be that most of their creations possess great energy conservation technologies and countermeasures . A Halendian Cliff Walker can run with minimal fuel longer than any standard walkers. Their aircraft also possess the ability to glide in the air enabling for unpowered flight for a short period until it can be landed somewhere suitable.  

Peace and the Modern Era

After realizing the great cost in lives and resources of the war, Hálendiheim and the two other factions decided to end hostilities and form the Ruzdal Triumvirate and maintain peace among the megacity states.

Demography and Population

The megacity state is largely inhabited by humans with an autonomous android minority.


Their territory encompasses the whole plateau along with the surrounding area beneath it which forms the megacity's fringe towns.


Hálendiheim military mostly consist of full time professionals who are sometimes supplemented by an auxiliary force of conscripts in times of war. In times of homeland sieges and invasions, adults are expected to serve the kingdom as local militia to defend their homeland.   Their greatest asset is their fully developed airforce. Hálendiheim's air superiority and tactics are well known throughout Ruzdal-5. On the ground Hálendiheim's army consists of platoons of elite mountain rangers aided by a specialized mechanized infantry regiment designed to work well in rough rocky terrain. Cliff Walkers are a common sight, often accompanying most their border patrols.

Technological Level

Hálendiheim's technological level is on par with the other megacities of Ruzdal-5. Their technological advances in metallurgy and aviation is nothing to be sneezed at. Armor and industrial equipment manufactured by them are among the most durable pieces of gear on the planet. Their machines are also energy efficient due to the fact that their territory does not much have enough fuel sources to run standard ones. A Hálendian machine usually comes equipped with built-in countermeasures against low powered states such as manual generators and solar cells.


Although Hálendiheim does not have an official religion, most practiced the worship of the one eyed, all-seeing overgod and his many children and disciples; An amalgam of ancient Germanic religions and Judeo-Christian beliefs. Most towns usually have a temple or shrine dedicated to him or one or more of the lesser gods and disciples. One can often tell a town or region's ideals and tendencies by the gods they choose to worship.

Foreign Relations

Formerly an pesudo-isolationist state, Hálendiheim is now in relatively in good terms with its neighboring foreign bodies though border disputes do happen from time to time, especially when it comes to mining rights, and is usually eventually resolved by the Triumvirate.

Fljúga hátt! ("Fly high!" in 21st century English)

Geopolitical, City-state
Alternative Names
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Halendians, Halendish
Government System
Monarchy, Constitutional
Power Structure
Autonomous area
Economic System
Mixed economy
Parent Organization
Official Languages
Related Professions
Neighboring Nations
Related Ethnicities

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Author's Notes

My apologies if I offend anyone of Scandinavian descent for butchering their culture for the purposes of fabricating a fictional state using my limited knowledge of them.

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