Q-Z Apparatus 1.0 Technology / Science in Sci-Fi RPG Videogame | World Anvil
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Q-Z Apparatus 1.0

The Q-Z Apparatus is a marvelous invention, it converts the energized quartz into an expendable source of fuel, to power up things like hover trains, machines, high-tech guns and other weapons, and many more.

With this technology, we will revolutionize the world into a futuristic society. No more will we need to combine chemicals to make fuel at ridiculously high prices. And no more malfunctions!- Unknown


The Q-Z Apparatus is used in many pieces of equipment. The apparatus is used in the following equipment:

High-Tech Guns
Drill Machines
Wood Cutters
Hover Trains
Power Jiggers
Material Processing Plants
Manufacturing Plants
Hover Vehicles
Other High-Tech Weapons
Other Machines


Basic manufacturing of the parts to assemble into the apparatus are required. Fuses are created with copper wiring, the glass tube is processed in a glass plant, the copper end caps, metal anchors, holding rings, and bases are created in a forge. Every other little piece is made through basic processes.

When all these pieces are manufactured, they are then sent off to science labs around the world, to which they are then assembled into the final piece: the apparatus.

Access & Availability

The Q-Z Apparatus is widely used all over. It is just one part that goes into making bigger things work. Researchers, scientists, militia, and vendors generally have first priority over all other people when given this tech, or even an upgraded version.


The apparatus is a mixture of basic technologies combined together, to make a high-tech piece of equipment. The base structure of the apparatus is a hollow cylinder made of high-density glass, with copper end caps that are connected by fuses, to the remainder of the structure. These fuses are then attached accordingly to the machine, weapon, etc. in order for the equipment to draw energy from the energized quartz. The glass tube, which holds a single piece of energized quartz, has a "door" system in which it can be opened or closed in order to access the chamber. The door is hand operated, and has several mechanisms to keep it closed, preventing any mishaps with other equipment. The overall tube is anchored to a metal base, which is then fitted into equipment. Each type of equipment requires different energy input and apparatus sizes.


The scientists of the "new world" developed this piece of technology in order to contain and convert energized quartz into a fuel source, like gasoline, or coal.

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