Opalite Love Item in Sci-Fi RPG Videogame | World Anvil
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Opalite Love

The opalite love is the living version of the mythical Cupid. It radiates the essence of love and affection, making it a powerful tool in the wrong hands, such as a female. Even staring into the stone itself it said to make people fall madly in love.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

Opalite Love has essence of love seeping out of every tiny crack within this stone. A single user could dominate the opposite sex with ease, which makes it a powerful shard. Its inner workings are usually only accessible by Xenodrak.

Manufacturing process

Made from pure opalite during the "rebirth" process of a pink Xenodrak.
Item type
Jewelry / Valuable
Dragon Shard
Raw materials & Components
First created naturally on the planet of Arkorian

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