Nature's Emerald Item in Sci-Fi RPG Videogame | World Anvil
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Nature's Emerald

Almost like a crystal ball, nature's emerald shows a glimpse of all life contained within the gem itself. With this stone, one has the power of nature, being able to create plant and animal life (not human), while also bestowing the power to heal injuries. Its considered the "medical" prophet.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

Nature's Emerald is a living organism, in a way. Giving the user the power of creation, one can breathe life into plants and natural animals. It is potential, trapped in a glorious gem. Its inner workings are usually only accessible by Xenodrak.

Manufacturing process

Made from a pure emerald during the "rebirth" process of a green Xenodrak.
Item type
Jewelry / Valuable
Dragon Shard
Raw materials & Components
First created naturally on the planet of Arkorian

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