Metal Pyrite Item in Sci-Fi RPG Videogame | World Anvil
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Metal Pyrite

This piece of pyrite gives the ability to make any desired object out of a metallic substance, like ripping out pure iron ore from the earth and turning it into a goblet. Objects created can be anything from a simple chain, a goblet, to a giant halberd or scythe.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

The metal pyrite has all the potential to create metallic objects fused into its core. Possessing this shard gives the user an almost unwieldy amount of creation in the palm of their hands. Its inner workings are usually only accessible by Xenodrak.

Manufacturing process

Made from pure pyrite during the "rebirth" process of a grey Xenodrak.
Item type
Jewelry / Valuable
Dragon Shard
Raw materials & Components
First created naturally on the planet of Arkorian

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