Lykus Ocelot Character in Scardona | World Anvil
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Lykus Ocelot

Lykus Ocelot

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

A pale and gangly man, his wiry frame resembles the skin tightly attached to a recent cadaver.

Body Features

His average build allows him to blend in, from his gaunt face to raven black and tangled hair

Special abilities

Speak with dead, raising the dead, dispel magic, magic sight

Apparel & Accessories

Like an assassin, he walks amongst the shadows in his all black regalia, no matter the circumstance

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Prior to his current affairs, Lykus was your average adventurer. He trained in as many weapons as he could, focusing on being able to pick up any tool and get to work. After his early entombment 500+ years, he slowly began to hone his connection to the necrotic magic of the lich who trapped him, attaining a ghostly appearance and a killer instinct.


Currently the Guild Master of HARE, previously an errand boy for Reginald

Mental Trauma

He seemingly has gone insane, with mutterings to himself at inopportune times. His mind and body seem to be detached, connected only through his own sheer will

Morality & Philosophy

Lykus aims to make his companions the strongest around him, focusing on the betterment of his community at any and all costs


The Toll King

Patron (Trivial)

Towards Lykus Ocelot



Lykus Ocelot

Warlock (Vital)

Towards The Toll King




Trapped, beaten, and surrounded by those he loved now dead, Lykus was bound into a deal he thought would save him from death. The deal became a contract, binding his life to that of the Toll King's as his one and only Warlock.

A man out of time, both in generation and life-span, now tasked with leading a city's most powerful guild. Rumors are on the rise as his connection to a Lich as his warlock continue to flow, and many question his intentions.

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