Trenboral Peaks Geographic Location in Sayen's Universe | World Anvil
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Trenboral Peaks

A large mountain range partially separating the Rolling Flats from the Faewood, the Trenboral Peaks have always served as both a home for the Dwarves, and thus a hub of innovation. However, they are far from the only ones making their home in the area: the Dwarven kingdom has a long-standing alliance with both the Human and Elven kingdoms, so it it not out of the question to see these two races in Dwarven settlements. Adventurers visiting Trenboral Peaks would do best to pack warm clothing and prepare for a long climb, as the swift changes between high and low areas can prove to significantly increase their travel time. The Hoarfrost Orcs who live on the higher parts of Trenboral Peaks can attest to the cold, but have grown accustomed to it over time and have their ways of negating it: their clothes and decor of both their homes and inns are often dotted with the hides of furry beasts for extra warmth. Hoarfrost settlements often have an inn: if an adventurer is looking for a warm meal, strong drink, and temporary respite for the cold, then Hoarfrost villages are the place to be.

Fauna & Flora

  • Moss Campion flowers
  • Pygmy bitterroot flowers
  • Wild potato
  • Bristlecone pine
  • Elk
  • Sheep
  • Mountain goats
  • Mountain lions
  • Beetles
  • Grasshoppers

Natural Resources

The main exports from the mountains are iron, copper, tin, and lead. But one resource is truly unique to the peaks: corundum, the Dwarven answer to mythril. Mica is also mined here, so cosmetics are another import from the Peaks. Some other exports are potatoes, and goat milk, harvested from domesticated goats. Lion hides are also popular amongst merchants, and one is likely to find a lion head mounted on the wall at Gelladur's inns. But the region is most famous for the well-known Earthshaker ale: It is named for the punch it packs, and notorious for being capable of inebriating even the hardiest of Orc warriors. There is even a saying about it: 'If you truly want to forget, then drink three tankards of Earthshaker.' Two tankards can have a Human black-out drunk, and even the Elves are affected.


Tourists often visit Gelladur to marvel at both its technological innovations and the majestic lava stream beneath the city, dotted with blacksmiths. Visitors are likely to see Hoarfrost Orcs at the inns, but one would be wise to remember that they have a higher resistance to the infamous Earthshaker ale: many tourists visit Gelladur just to try the infamous drink for themselves. Adventurers often pass by to prepare for their missions: martial adventurer classes like Paladins often have their metal gear touched up by the many blacksmiths in the city, mages often stop by the jeweler stores to scour them for enchanted items, and rangers like the Sniper often spend a day at the market, looking for inventive arrow types.
Alternative Name(s)
The Peaks, the Monoliths
Mountain Range
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