Humans Species in Sayarh | World Anvil
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"Humans are the only other race inquisitive enough to match that of your average Hajaari. Unfortunately, their methods of achieving such knowledge comes at a cost."   -The Hajaari Encyclopedia     Humans have a long and complicated history on Sayarh. While they have contributed countless advancements to the world and its inhabitants, they have left a path of destruction in their wake. Their interests are typically self-serving: if something they do happens to benefit the other races, it's almost never intentionally.   Human society is built on their ever-evolving technology, crafted from only the tangible nature of existence. They do not have access to magic, and thus found a way to create their own version of it. Becoming an acclaimed inventor is the dream of every child, and something that many further their education to go on to do.

Basic Information

Ecology and Habitats

Humans are quite adaptable due to their craftiness.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Large emphasis on massive amounts of agriculture to support the growing population.

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