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Saviid has seen countless eras and ages, many lost to the decaying force of time. From the destruction looming from the Scaled Tyrant, stopped by the Platinum Dragon and a madman, to the Dark War in Mysticarium, where the Lich King Denmar sought to destroy the archipelago, forcing Kelemvor to choose a champion and sink the island. To the country of Askana, where the Dolvan Kingdom, the empire known for creating a common place currency, was destroyed by the Hobgoblin Warband the "Shattered Spear". It's most recent age was the time of Isolation, where Askana fell after the capital of Alia was destroyed, and the keystone of Saviid was broken. During that time, the Archduke Dispater sat and planned, seeking to make up for his attempted Coup of Baator, and brought his tower to Coventia, along with an army. Sealed away by the Heroes of the Realm, The Watchmen, they banished him away for eternity. A new found time of peace has reached all shores of Saviid , until the country of Draconia, the site of the battle of Tiamat, fell silent, and monsters began showing up all through the world. This event is called by the peoples of Saviid The Awakening. A new profession has begun on the rise, where adventuring guilds have tasked themselves with protecting the world.