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Being married isn't an official thing. You just... Decide to. The "tradition" I guess you could call it, is to find someone you love and give them something you found on earth while scavenging. If they accept, they'll have to do the same once back from the next scavenge, which leaves a month for both parties to think about their decisions. If they end up marrying each other, they'll do a swap for the memory and a new save afterwards.
A swap is when you give each other a dear memory of before the apocalypse, a little file compilation of what you life was back then, to be able to say that you know them better then anybody.
Once that's done, They both go to the central database, and ask to wipe out their previous HME files to replace them with those they have now. Like that, if anything happens to them, what they lived together, what they shared together, and what they feel for each other will stay no matter what, and they'll always remember each other. A very romantic idea which makes "until death us do part" impossible.
This is not a legal act per say, it's just something that we do. It makes us feel more... Human. Sex isn't a thing anymore. We can still "feel" through the nerval simulations, but desire came from hormones, the need to procreate, something we can't do anymore. So instead, intimacy is shared through memory reads: letting other people not only see our past but also what we truly think about it and how we experienced it. The ultimate form of communication. The only problem with that is... Well... I'm worried to what exactly is going to happen when we'll go back to carnal form...     I will edit every one of these articles as soon as I'm done writting their outlines for the Summer Camp challenge èwé I want to be able to have 30/30 TwT

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