Come on... Come on... You can do this...
[HME S0.000: There is a way... HME S0.$%£: What is it? HME S0.000: It's too risky... HME S0.$%£: Are you kidding me? What is this, a 21st century TV show?! HME S0.000: I'm serious! Station 0 is already doomed as far as I'm concerned, D.D. Program 03 is a failure, and-- HME S0.$%£: Who cares about your stupid program anymore? Humans are gone, we know, there might still be a chance to bring them back but we can't do it with out the other stations knowing about what's going on in here! HME S0.000: You don't understand! If you transfer yourself to another station your file could get corrupted, and you know what that means!
Traveling physically the distance between Station 0 and Station ADAM or EVE is not only time consuming, it's impossible. We don't have ships yet.This article will be edited as ssoon as SC is finished.
Yet. They're supposed to be built in phase 2 for resource exchange.
When will that be?
Roughly 40 years, give or take...
We can't wait that long!
You can't. I have plenty of things to do here anyways.
There's got to be another way...
There is.
You won't so much "travel" there as you will just be "transfered" there. There's a nuance.
And how does that even matter?
Well for example, you can forget about bringing anything physical with you.
How does that even work?
That's pretty simple actually. You already used a computer before right?
Well, it's like copy pasting a file. The station you're in copies your HME drive and sends it to the destination station which will then atribute you a body.
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