Ship's Towers Settlement in Savaged Eberron | World Anvil
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Ship's Towers

Almost identical to Grayflood in mood and appearance, Ship’s Towers is distinguished by its southern tip. Here, buildings float upon the water. This boat town, formed of rafts, houseboats, and other watercraft of every shape and size, bobs on the water and is connected by a web of piers, gangplanks, and rope bridges.


Social Class: Lower class

Industry & Trade

Buildings: Other (20), temples (Kol Korran, Arawai, Boldrei, the Traveler), poor lodging (20), poor food (36), poor trades (100), poor services (140), poor residences (80)


District Type: Waterfront district
First Impression: Most of the traffic here consists of sailors in search of entertainment. Bars, flophouses, and small shops—many of which don’t bother to advertise the nature of their business—line the street, which winds precariously along the edge of a steep cliff overlooking the river.
Location under

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Cover image: Magic of Eberron by Wayne Reynolds

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